Monthly Archives: January 2020

Alpha 12

Alpha 12 is now available to download. Some of the more significant changes are listed below, followed by the full changelog: Players now have the option to enable permadeath and/or Fate Points at the start of their campaign. Permadeath means … Continue reading

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Alpha 12 Release Candidate 1

The development build has been updated to Alpha 12 Release Candidate 1. This means that all the features and fixes are in place for Alpha 12, but it still needs some more testing before I can make it more generally … Continue reading

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Development Build – 18 January 2020

The work-in-progress development build has been updated yet again, with some fixes and the new features that I’ve been working on recently.

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Development Build – 14 January 2019

The work-in progress development build has again been updated, with bugfixes, crash fixes, and some new statuses for AI infantry and guns, who can now be dug-in, entrenched, or fortified.

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Development Build – 11 January 2020

The work-in-progress development build has been updated to fix a crash upon a friendly air or artillery attack.

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Development Build – 9 January 2020

I’ve uploaded a new work-in-progress development build to the usual location. Important additions include smoke ammo (mostly for late-war tanks) and the start of a close assault system. Right now only the player can initiate close combat, but this will … Continue reading

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Alpha 11

Alpha 11 is now available for download. Changelog follows: General ADD: Finnish national definitions, flag, start of a Winter War campaignADD: Soviet armoured cars BA-20 and BA-6, ZIS-5 truck, SU-12 SPG, BT-7A artillery tank, 45mm obr. 1932 anti-tank gunADD: Turret-mounted … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, ArmCom2!

Although I intially started working on what would eventually become this game in February 2016, it took quite a few false starts and blind alleys until I finally figured out my approach and started in earnest on the current iteration … Continue reading

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Development Build – 1st January 2020

I’ve uploaded a new work-in-progress development build to show off what I’ve been working on over the past few days. In addition to minor changes and bugfixes, I’ve added the start of a Finnish Winter War campaign that shows off … Continue reading

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